Limited Palette
There is something freeing and exhilarating about working with a limited palette. It simplifies the thought process and the work tends to have more harmony as the colours flow and compliment each other.
A limited palette is just what it says. Usually, no more than six different colours will be included in a limited palette. Susan likes to work with 3 primary colours + white.
A limited palette forces you to think more about the colour you’re using, without selecting colours at random. It forces you to make quick decisions, as you are limited to your selections. It also simplifies the thought process.
Using only 3 primary colours plus white, Susan will show you...
- How to keep it simple and mix the colours that you want.
- How to edit your scene, creating a solid composition.
- How to paint with confidence while using a simple palette.
Monet loved to use a limited palette to paint some of his amazing outdoor impressionistic work.

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Last Updated on: 2023-01-09