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Blue Jeans & Rubber Boots

Blue Jeans and Rubber Boots image


Susan with Chace in the garden

Here, I will talk about topics I am passionate about: art, painting, mini Aussies, gardening, baking (everyone loves my muffins), and the musings of a creative life.

I hope you find these talks informative, educational, and entertaining.

The Printing Bizz

2023-02-27 Last Updated on: 2024-04-25

Did you know that I was the first female ever in Canada to be trained on a Heidelberg Printing Press?

In the late 80’s I was living in Toronto. I owned and operated an Arts company. We designed and printed marketing material for artists; gallery invitations, posters, business and rack name it we could make it.

I wanted to become versed in every aspect of the print industry. I...

under my finger nails and into my soul

2023-02-13 Last Updated on: 2023-12-27

As this time of year I am chomping at the bit to get out into the yard. Living on the west coast of BC, we are able to go out early and stay playing in the dirt. Several times a day, I go for a walkabout and just look and see. Hmmm, what is coming up, what is budding, and what should I move.

My fingernails are a mess and my back has a perpetual tenderness, but boy oh boy do I love gardening....

2023-01-30 Last Updated on: 2024-04-17

I've often been asked why I like working in a series. Here is my not too short answer.

I find that one of the biggest challenges for me, as an artist, is going through my photos and deciding on a subject to paint next. I have often spent hours (not kidding) doing this, only to change my mind the next morning. What a waste of time!! I have several folders on my desktop that say “Things to...


I often think about how art changes a person’s life. You can buy art to decorate your home, to personalize your space, or to evoke an emotion. Studies show that the region of the brain that experiences emotions is activate when showing a pleasing piece of art. One could conclude that art helps us connect with ourselves.

How has art affected my personal world? Well, it has totally changed my...

2023-01-03 Last Updated on: 2024-04-17

Welcome to my blog! I haven’t written a blog in a few years, but one of my new year’s resolution is to do more writing. Here we go.

I am a professional artist, art instructor and publisher. I have been publishing Island Arts Magazine for 15 years and painting for over 20 years. Wow, that makes me sound vintage! I enjoy life on the west coast of Canada. I am positive (for the most part) and...

Epic East Coast Adventure
Cousin's Tour

2022-11-01 Last Updated on: 2024-04-25

For the past couple of years, I have had a map of the East Coast, complete with push pins on my ‘vision’ board as a place we’d like to travel. We were delayed by the lingering COVID-19 viruses. In September, 2022, it was time. As I like to say, “If not now, when?”

The reason for this trip was two-fold. It was a cousin’s tour for my husband, as some he hadn’t seen in over 30...

Exposing Yourself
A friend's question

2022-09-01 Last Updated on: 2024-04-25

Are you being exposed or do you expose yourself?

On one of our trips to Mexico, we were invited by our Mexican friend, Alex, to an art show in a neighbouring town. As we piled into his dusty old jeep he told us his friend, and I quote “was exposing himself for the first time.” What!! We all burst out in laughter. Then he asked me “Susan, do you ever expose yourself!” I cheekily...

2022-09-01 Last Updated on: 2024-04-25

Dear God,
It’s me, the Dog.

Dear God: Is it on purpose that our names are spelled the same, only in reverse?

Dear God: When we get to Heaven, can we sit on your couch? Or will it be the same old story?

Dear God: Why are there cars named after
the jaguar, the cougar, the mustang, and the rabbit, but not ONE named for a Dog? How often do you see a cougar riding around? Would it be so hard to...

Summer on the Farm
Farm Life

2022-09-01 Last Updated on: 2024-04-25

As a kid, summers on the farm seemed to last forever. The first few weeks of summer holidays were spent with sleepovers at gramma’s house, pyjama parties, late night movies, and sleeping in till noon. There was always endless grass to cut, with push mowers that were hard to start. Once you got them going, you just kept cutting around and around until they ran out of gas.

By mid August I...

2022-07-01 Last Updated on: 2024-04-25

Having lost four significant people in my life lately, I can’t help but reflect on my own life. How have I made a difference? What can I do in the next stage of my life that will make a difference ?

I try to live my life each day, with intent. Sometimes it is difficult when I am always looking ahead, working on the next several editions and applying for art shows that are three years out.
